Event Centre Satama contact information

Event Centre Satama
- Event Centre Kotka Ltd
- 102 Tornatorintie, FI-48100 Kotka

- Tiina Salonen
- Deputy CEO
- +358 40 060 8997
- tiina.salonen@kotka.fi

- Marjukka Relander
- Sales & Marketing Manager
- +358 40 714 2800
- marjukka.relander@satama.fi

- Heikki Hytönen
- Service Manager
- +358 40 714 2802
- heikki.hytonen@satama.fi

- Siiri McDonagh
- Production Manager
- +358 40 714 2801
- siiri.mcdonagh@satama.fi

- Linda Ylä-Kujala (on parental leave)
- Financial and Administrative Coordinator
- +358 40 714 2807
- linda.yla-kujala@satama.fi
Contact us or request a quote
Are you interested in organising an event at Event Centre Satama? Contact our sales team or fill in the form and we will get back to you as soon as possible. For general queries about Event Centre Satama or its operations, please use the general contact form.
Request a quote
For more information regarding organising an event at Event Centre Satama, please contact our sales team or fill in the form below. See Contact information for all our contact details.
Service Manager
Contact us
Event Centre Kotka Ltd
We prefer electronic invoices as the primary method of invoicing. If your company is not able to use e-invoicing or send invoices via email, you may send your paper invoice to the scanning service address below. Please note that we do not accept invoices at our visiting address.
Event Centre Kotka Ltd, business ID 3138054-4
E-invoicing address: 003731380544
Operator: Maventa (003721291126)
Intermediator ID when a bank network is used: DABAFIHH*
*Please use this intermediator ID if your e-invoicing software doesn’t support using Maventa’s own intermediator ID.
IBAN: FI6057500120428637
Operator: OP (OKOYFIHH)
Invoices to our scanning service via email
Please note that we accept only invoices at this address. Attach the invoice to your email in PDF format. The invoice and possible appendices must be attached in a single file.
Email address for invoices: 31380544@scan.netvisor.fi
- You may attach several invoices in one email as long as each invoice is its own separate attachment. Make sure that the attachments are named distinctly.
- The maximum email size limit is 5Mb.
- The PDF files must be genuine PDF documents (version 1.3 or newer).
- The PDF files must not be password-protected or locked.
- The size of the document must not exceed the standard A4 size (210mm x 297mm).
- Supported characters in attachment names are letters (a-z, A-Z) and digits (0-9). Please do not use any special characters in attachment names.
Invoices to our scanning service via traditional post
Please include your full address both in the invoice and on the envelope to ensure a speedy and reliable delivery.
Event Centre Kotka Ltd
P.O. Box 100
FI-80020 Kollektor Scan
- Please use the scanning address exclusively for invoices. Post delivered at this address is automatically directed to our accounting section, and any other material (including receipts, business gifts, credit cards or entry tickets) will not reach its intended recipient through this address.
- For clarity purposes, please use only black text on white background in your invoice.
- Please do not use staples in the invoices you send to the scanning service.